A new dynamic revenue generating website is popping in the internet every 1 min. Do you web application security checklist know how many lines of code written in a day? Over 500 million lines of […]
A new dynamic revenue generating website is popping in the internet every 1 min. Do you web application security checklist know how many lines of code written in a day? Over 500 million lines of […]
Entersoft has presented it’s offensive security products in #ConnectExpo in Melbourne as a part of top5 startups in Australia in ICT space. Connect Expo is an annual Australian business and ICT trade show held in […]
Entersoft wins InTech50, the flagship event of iSPIRT & Terenne Global Leadership Network. InTech50 is a showcase of 50 most promising software products created by entrepreneurs from India. This will allow companies to present to Global […]
In 2014 alone, more than one billion personal records were illegally accessed. 2014 has witnessed the hacks of high profile brands like Sony, the U.S. Postal Service, JP Morgan Chase, iCloud (for celebrity nude photos) and […]
Nasscom Emerge 50 is an annual Indian awards ceremony honoring most promising and innovative startups in software & technology domains. The startups chosen are broadly around some new product ideas and are some of the most […]